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"Howard Stern on Demand" Eric the Midget: In Plain Sight (TV Episode ) - IMDb

This is totally an apology to God and whatever is holy and spiritual in the world. Eric is an extremely grumpy handicapped little person, who is obsessed with American Idol and for some reason Diana DeGarmo in particular. And yet, as an interviewer Stern is so fascinated by their lives that he continually gets golden material out of these poor people. Oddly, enough because of their ability to be entertaining on his show, they sort of wind up with the lives of C level celebrities and are probably better off with the abuseful notoriety. Peter would listen for more than a second or two.
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Eric and Gina visited the Stern Studios. For the complet Read More.
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Sign in. Want to invest a few hours in front of the TV this weekend? Check out a few of our favorite binge-worthy streaming series. See the full gallery. Title: Eric the Midget Returns Mar
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