F arrah Abraham has been liquidating her furniture in both Austin, Texas and Lakeway, Texas which leads us to believe she's definitely shutting down her businesses and liquidating. The question, is what's going on with her finances that she keeps needing to get rid of her inventory? We all know that Farrah's FroYo business closed earlier this year, so what gives with her furniture business? After all, we do know that Farrah is no longer working for MTV. It's certainly possible that Farrah is running out of money and without the exposure, her businesses are also doing a lot more poorly.
It’s Official: Farrah Abraham’s Furniture Store & Children’s Boutique Have Closed
The two retail stores are located next door to each other in the Oaks at Lakeway development in the West Austin suburb of Lakeway, just around the corner from Froco. The Furnished By Farrah ribbon cutting was first, and when I arrived the party had already started! In addition, Farrah had a very charismatic and extremely talented balloon artist creating fun animals and crazy hats for the youngins as well as color-coordinated corsages for the adults including Farrah and her mom Debra. In addition to the entertainment, the event also featured an MTV camera crew capturing all the festivities.
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