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I was fortunate to have finally seen This is England , thank you, Netflix which prompted me to think about other movies about gangs that left a deep impression. Check out the following three great films! This week on I, Queue Genius : First, a racist is a racist no matter how cool his accent is, then, senseless murders in paradise, and finally, Ricky Martin has nothing on these girls! This is England UK, What makes this movie so awesomely awesome is the simple fact that the leading man, a year-old boy actually, is so damned natural, so funny, so genuine, that you find yourself laughing throughout the entire thing, until of course you shed a tear at the end.
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Dora, 12, gang-raped by Mugabe's men for four hours

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But as he tossed a mattress on to the ground it was clear that it was no game that he was planning. For the next four hours the girl's mother and younger sisters, aged nine and seven, were forced to chant praises to Robert Mugabe and watch Dora being gang-raped by five "war veterans" and the policeman. When they had finished it hurt so much I couldn't walk. Now in hiding, spending most of her nights in frightened wakefulness, she remembers feeling the rough breath on her face, the hands forcing apart her thighs, and "that animal thing" as she calls it slamming into her underfed body. Dora was raped because her father is a supporter of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change. He is not a candidate, not a party official, just a simple carpenter who had mistakenly believed that he lived in a country where he could vote for whom he liked.
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Teen 'claimed sex at Sydney party was gang rape' - court

Every now and again, something happens in this country that makes me despair. An incident and its consequences that suggest a new and malignant stratum has forced its way into society, like a vein in a blue cheese. That the unthinkable has become the everyday.
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By Australian Associated Press. A defence lawyer for one of four men charged with raping a teenage girl has suggested she made up the story after participating in a 'gang bang' at a NSW house party. The barrister on Monday told a Sydney jury it was the teenager's way of 'dealing with it'. Christian Dickens, 22, Aaron Jensen, 23, and two year-old men, who were underage at the time and therefore can't be named, are accused of sexually assaulting the then year-old girl at a Blue Mountains party in
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