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In this movie the sexy siren Sophie Choudry is seen getting intimate with Akshay Kumar.. In this movie the sexy siren Sophie Choudry is seen getting intimate with Akshay Kumar. Entertainment video views. It is a sequel to the hit film Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai.
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By MailOnline Reporter. Sansa Stark was grimly assaulted by her atrocious new husband at the end of Sunday's Game of Thrones episode, but the actress who plays her - Sophie Turner - was secretly excited about the scene. After she was nearly forced to marry former worst-guy-ever Joffrey Baratheon, it was easy to think it couldn't get any worse for Sansa as far as relationships are concerned. But that assumption was proved wrong when the Lady of Winterfell was set up with the even-more-awful Ramsay Bolton. Scroll down for video.
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