When can infants eat adult food

Rice, oatmeal, or barley? What infant cereal or other food will be on the menu for your baby's first solid meal? Have you set a date? At this point, you may have a plan or are confused because you have received too much advice from family and friends with different opinions.
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WHO | What is the recommended food for children in their very early years?

Around 7 months, your baby will be ready to try some adult food. Here's how to move from strained baby foods to chunkier fare. Along with your baby's increasing manual prowess comes the ability - and desire - to self-feed. He'll let you know when he's ready for this challenge by grabbing at the spoon-and the food itself-as you feed him. Even though it's likely to be a while before your baby can manage to get anything into his mouth on his own, it's important to encourage this new interest.
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Eating Like A Grown-up

Feeding your baby real food is an important step for all parents. While the stakes are high for developing healthy food preferences, learning to eat and liking food, be sure to avoid these common baby feeding mistakes. Baby feeding and the journey that goes with it is not always smooth-sailing, or easy. In my many years of working with new mothers as a pediatric nutritionist , I know that the decisions made in this first year are always made with good intentions. Sometimes, however, decisions are made out of fear, hype or lack of knowledge.
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Q: What is the recommended food for children in their very early years? A: Breast milk is the best food for the healthy growth and development of infants. Infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development and health.
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