While Stanton began his career as a bondage fantasy artist for Irving Klaw, the majority of his later work depicted gender role reversal and proto-feminist female dominance scenarios. Stanton also worked with pioneering underground fetish art publishers, Leonard Burtman [6] publisher of Exotique and Selbee magazines , the notorious Times Square publisher Edward Mishkin, [7] paperback publisher Stanley Malkin, [8] and later magazine publisher George W. Past the soft-core era of the s, his art became more transgressive. Creating a mail-order business in the s named the "Stanton Archives," Stanton sold his work directly to fans and, starting in , issued offset staple-bound fan-inspired books known as "Stantoons," producing more than a hundred till the time of his death. In his lifetime, Stanton also contributed to countless underground publications and later adult magazines like Leg Show and Leg World. In , Stanton had the only art exhibit in his lifetime at the New York City nightclub, Danceteria.

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Eric Stanton's personal favorite comic caper was also a loving if crackpot homage to John Willie's legendary damsel-in-distress creation, Sweet Gwendoline. Stanton delivers a Mad magazine-like sendup of Willie's original, complete with Will Elder-like funny business. And yet even with all this slapstick, Stanton's female leads, including the imperious Countess, the pliant Gaga and the innocent Gwen, are as gorgeous as any he's ever drawn, and the fetish wear, bondage play, and femme-on-femme fights are as rousing as ever. Stanton's pencils were inked by Steve Ditko, who also contributed some original art, while the two toyed with the creation of Spider-Man in the spring of Read more Read less.

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The PopCult Bookshelf. Stanton born Ernest Stanzoni drew dirty comics. More specifically, he drew fetish and bondage comics. He did this without depicting nudity or explicit sex. The women are beautiful, no doubt, but more often than not, they hold the power in these stories, and now these tales come across as almost feminist in their execution.

Irving Klaw November 9, — September 3, , self-named the "Pin-up King", [1] was an influential American merchant of sexploitation, fetish, and Hollywood glamour pin-up photographs and films. Like his predecessor, Charles Guyette , [2] who was also a merchant of fetish-themed photographs, Klaw was not a photographer, [3] but a merchandiser of fetish art imagery and films. His business, which eventually became Movie Star News , began in [8] when he and his sister Paula opened a struggling basement level used bookstore at E.