Husbands who spanked their wife

The Christian community has done a very poor job of treating women with respect. This is wrong. I even tweeted about this earlier:. Where do some men get the idea that they get to own women and tell them what they can say, do, think, believe, etc? Many of you have seen men ask me these questions.
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(Closed) NWR: Men spanking their wives for discipline.

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NWR: Men spanking their wives for discipline.

We always read or hear about how men used to put their wives over their knees for a spanking, but did you know that it was also quite common for wives to spank their husbands a hundred years ago? It sounds almost funny and indeed the subject was treated with quite a bit of humor back in the day. Strange news from out of Colorado Springs hit the papers in the fall of Apparently, a pound husband liked to punch his pound wife and had, on occasion, knocked her out. One day she had enough and somehow managed to put her large husband over her knee for a spanking. The man was so humiliated from the treatment that he immediately filed for a divorce. Frederickson of Georgetown, Connecticut, , was a large, well built woman whose strength and height towered over her much smaller husband.
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Ask Your Question today. I'm 25 and have been married a year. Shortly after our wedding my husband started giving me real spankings, he takes me into our bed room and takes my pants off and then bust my bottom, until i'm red.
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You read that right. I just read an article about how commonly accepted it was to spank grown women for misbehaving. Not even always a husband, sometimes just an adult man. I will link it bellow.
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