Young teenage boy with a bloody gash on his knee and torn pants sitting with clasped hand around the joint, toned close up image with vignette — Photo by jhandersen. Photo "Young teenage boy with a gash on his knee" can be used for personal and commercial purposes according to the conditions of the purchased Royalty-free license. The image is available for download in high resolution quality up to x Young teenage boy with a gash on his knee — stock image. Find Similar Images. Download Image.
There, the child was treated for a head injury, facial swelling and received seven stitches, Hansen said. She returned to the hospital two days later because the injury became infected and she needed to stay in the hospital for three days, Hansen said. Wanting to know more about what happened , the family requested to watch the surveillance footage captured at the Brighter Day Care and Preschool. In the surveillance video apparently captured at the day care viewed by InsideEdition. The woman can be seen pulling the girl away from the table and then throwing her across the room. The video shows the child fall and skid into a cabinet.
Woman, 21, suffers horrific 11-inch leg gash in mystery incident at young farmer’s ball
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