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This outbreak investigation is over. Always wash your hands after touching pet turtles or their environments. Read more about how to stay healthy around turtles. CDC and public health officials in several states investigated a multistate outbreak of human Salmonella Oranienburg infections linked to pet turtles. Turtles can carry Salmonella germs in their droppings, even while looking healthy and clean.

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The two television writers dreamed of creating a realistic comedy-drama series set in the most unfunny setting imaginable: riot-ravaged South-Central Los Angeles. Still, CBS bought the concept. A few months ago its programmers got their first look at "South Central," the story of a single African-American mother struggling to raise three children. First, they demanded less drama and a lot more comedy. Then there was the matter of Tasha's jacket. In the pilot episode, the family's teen daughter unsuccessfully pesters her unemployed mom for a pricey Cross Colours jacket. CBS wanted Tasha to have that jacket.

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Rappers have often pushed the envelope when it comes to sexually explicit lyrics in their songs. Along with that, the accompanying music videos for those songs are oftentimes downright raunchy and outrageous. Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion are no stranger to provocative visuals whether it's on social media or in their videos.

Be bold in the statement piece of this collection, you know you want to. These pieces are unbelievably stretchy, Model would have fit XS we only had an M on the shoot. Wear with InstaBaddie top pictured or Baddie Babe top. Fabric Composition: Cotton elastane.
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