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Hi, Tom from Kasabian! That's a great idea. I think Robbie Williams and Susan Boyle will do really well together. It's sad about Oasis, but that's life. Liam's got his clothing label and Noel's doing a solo record. So they're both doing their things, ain't they?

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By Bianca London for MailOnline. Inspired by a female impersonator who took Eurovision by storm, the UK's first dwarf drag artist has vowed to become little people's answer to Paul O'Grady's alter ego, Lily Savage. At just 4ft 8in tall, what Jamie John lacks in stature, he says he makes up for with his massive personality. He's already earned an army of fans performing as his alter ego Miss DQ, who blends lip syncing with stand-up comedy. At just 4ft 8in tall, Jamie John is the UK's first dwarf drag queen and vows to become little people's answer to Lily Savage.

Who Framed Roger Rabbit 2: Rise In The Crossover is a featured article , which means it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. If you see a way this page can be updated or improved without compromising previous work, please feel free to contribute. Before the release of the sequel, a third film was in development and will set to release on December 24, In this film, Daniel, Scarlett and Roger Rabbit goes on an adventure to save Jessica and their parents.
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