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Hot naked girls taking off their thong

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She took the blame, she believes, for the widespread acceptability of drug-taking in her circle. So for them to focus on me, and to try to take my daughter away, I thought was really hypocritical. For 30 years, Moss, 48, has represented the summit of British cool. Moss also explained her decision to speak up for Depp in his recent American libel case against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, and talks about defending her old friend, the British fashion designer John Galliano , who was found guilty of racist abuse in I had to say that truth.
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We present the worst music videos ever from Susan Boyle to Milli Vanilli and back again. That big-haired lady straddling the cannon is Cher. Good on you, Paris Hilton — you successfully created something that sucked more than the song itself which, frankly, we thought would be impossible to do. First we see a montage of Daniel against a black screen, stringed together by someone who seemingly just discovered iMovie or whatever they had back in for the very first time. Then cue cheesy dance-in-some-clouds-with-an-unbuttoned-shirt-flapping-in-the-wind moment.
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This article was featured in One Story to Read Today, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a single must-read from The Atlantic , Monday through Friday. Sign up for it here. The model who opened the event was Taylor Hill, a thenyear-old from Colorado with the guileless beauty and long limbs of a baby farm animal. It was never about that in the first place. Except, with apologies to Hill, it kind of was.

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