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The Most Controversial Comedians of All Time

Yue | Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Wiki | Fandom
No one is saying football led Randall Woodfield down his dark path—but did it perhaps deter him from it, at least for a while? E ven as crime scenes go, this one was sensationally gruesome. Shari Hull, age 20, lay splayed naked on the floor, blood pooling near her matted hair, brain matter seeping from her skull and spackling the carpet. She was surrounded by her discarded clothes. Gradually her moans and her deep, labored breathing diminished until her body was drained of life. He was strikingly handsome, maybe six feet tall, blessed with a torrent of thick, curly brown hair and eyes to match. He was wearing jeans and a leather jacket.

It's Your Hubby's Bday! Here Are 150 of the Best Ways to Wish Him a Happy Birthday
First comes breast or bottle, then sippy cup, right? Not so fast. Experts report you may want to just skip the sippy cup for your baby. Surprisingly, sippies weren't designed as a tool for feeding development, but were invented years ago by a dad who just wanted to keep his carpets clean! Haha, we can relate.

We present the worst music videos ever from Susan Boyle to Milli Vanilli and back again. That big-haired lady straddling the cannon is Cher. Good on you, Paris Hilton — you successfully created something that sucked more than the song itself which, frankly, we thought would be impossible to do. First we see a montage of Daniel against a black screen, stringed together by someone who seemingly just discovered iMovie or whatever they had back in for the very first time.
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