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Dating exclusively mean

They're most definitely in a relationship now! Mutual feelings to each other. Not really in a relationship at this point but with high posibility of long term. No commitments yet but shows respect to its potetial by not seeing anyone else. Sometimes even avoids interactions with others that would represent an opportunity. Exclusively Dating.
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Is Dating Exclusively The Same As Being In A Relationship?

Plenty of our contemporary dating rituals are painfully drawn out. We spend weeks cautiously flirting on dating apps and months remaining in undefined gray areas, only for our egos to then make us dance around the exclusivity talk in some strange ways. In fact, these days, increasingly more people are going the relationship anarchy route. Like everything else relating to relationships, that can vary widely among couples — you could have a turbo relationship or take things really slowly.
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Here's Everything You Can Expect to Change After You Define the Relationship

So here are some tips for making the exclusive talk a little easier and a lot less scary and sweaty. Sometimes we start important talks with an attitude of discovery. Make a mental list of what you want from the relationship and what you need to find out to feel comfortable. Every relationship is different and evolves at a different pace. This is not going to please your friends who are worried about you and want to protect you from broken hearts and STIs.
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Deciding to be in an exclusive, committed relationship with someone is a pretty big step. And although it's something you should discuss with your partner, you may already feel as though the two of you are in an exclusive relationship. But sometimes you and your partner might not be on the same page.
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