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Do women masturbate more than men

Depending on your own self-pleasuring habits, the titillating facts will either shock or mildly interest you. The gap closes in for those who reported masturbating multiple times a month, with But the disparity generally remains the same throughout our lives, with women coming in at least percentage points behind men in each category. Read the fivethirtyeight.
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Everything you need to know about male masturbation

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Do women masturbate more than men
Do women masturbate more than men
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Men Masturbate More Than Women, Survey After Survey Finds, But It Has Nothing To Do With Sex Drive

Skip navigation! And yet, it can decrease anxiety , improve your sexual relationship with your partner , and help you sleep better. And, it turns out women may even enjoy it more than men. According to Robin Milhausen, a sexuality professor from the University of Guelph who worked on the survey, the male results could be a case of too much of a good thing most men masturbate at least three times a week, she says. Women may be setting the stage more — maybe they are finding some erotica to read, maybe they are using a vibrator. Sex-educator, advice columnist, and founder of FindYourPleasure.
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Men Masturbate More Than Women, But It Has Nothing To Do With Sex Drive

Hello, stress relief! Masturbating also allows you to explore your body in a safe and pleasurable way so you can learn what turns you on and then communicate those sexual desires to a partner. Some experts think the stigma surrounding female masturbation might be to blame.
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The survey involved 2, random visitors to porn and lifestyle news site Sugarcookie. Roughly 70 percent of the respondents were aged , while the rest were older. But it's worth mentioning that visitors to the site were arguably sexually-inclined people anyway, so the survey results don't necessarily reflect whole of society. Reproduction of this website's content without express written permission from 'Daily Pakistan' is strictly prohibited. Women masturbate more than men while looking at photos of colleagues: survey.
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