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The woman with the 'most beautiful buttocks in China'
It was never an issue growing up in the '90s, as a woman's derriere wasn't talked about as a beauty standard as much as it is today and I wasn't impacted by pop culture-induced insecurities. Back then, Kim Kardashian hadn't yet broken the internet by balancing a wine bottle on her apple-shaped bottom and Nicki Minaj's hit song Anaconda dominated the charts. In those years, I was blissfully unaware that my underside was lacking volume, and that some people might view that as an issue. It was only after an ex-boyfriend drunkenly told me that he wanted to give me butt implants—"huge ones"—that I became acutely aware of the fact that my butt was not the ideal of the moment. Despite having other unrealistic body expectations for myself, such as having an hourglass-shaped body or bee-stung lips, my flat ass became the issue that I was most insecure about, even though it was the one I knew I would never be able to change.
By Tracy You For Mailonline. Life is not always easy for a woman with a curvy body, according to the champion of the 'most beautiful buttocks' contest in China. Gao Qian, 19, who stunned the judges with her shapely rear, confessed that she couldn't wear tights on the street because 'people would surround me and point at my backside'. The young woman, who now only wears baggy clothing in public, told MailOnline that she was particularly embarrassed once when a couple argued in front of her after the man praised her bottom to his girlfriend. Gao Qian pictured , 19, is the winner of the 'most beautiful buttocks' contest in China and a popular live-streaming host.
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