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Picture of obese teens having sex

Your body image is how and what you think and feel about your body. A positive or healthy body image is feeling happy and satisfied with your body, as well as being comfortable with and accepting the way you look. A negative or unhealthy body image is feeling unhappy with the way you look. People who feel like this often want to change their body size or shape.
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Young kids may have mature biases against overweight people

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I was fighting my own prejudices when I accompanied my son on a presurgery visit with the doctor. What should have alarmed me was the cursory way the doctor responded to our questions, and maybe the way he whined about health-care reform. But now, after two failed operations on my son's hand, I think I should have also paid attention to my deep misgivings when the doctor first walked through the examining room door—because he was fat. And I hate fat people.
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