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Strap on sex lesbians

Because, lez face it: When you finally come out of the dusty, dark, repressive closet , there is no tour guide who magically appears in the bright light of your bedroom. She isn't greeting you in her lesbian, steel-toe boots, waving a shiny rainbow flag and clutching a welcome packet, eager to help you navigate the Isle of Lesbos. If you're one of the lucky ones, maybe you'll find an older lesbian to take you under her big, protective, dyke wing, but most of us aren't. Most of us me had to learn the ropes the hard way. And you better believe we came out the other side with battle wounds and nasty-looking scars some of which will never heal, babes. This is the kind of person a bitter, neglected lesbian me turns into after a decade of trail and error lesbianism.
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Sex with any kind of additional toys or hardware requires advance planning, close communication between partners, and the time and money it takes to find the right gear. Not to mention figuring out how to look good doing it. Even with plenty of practice, the most promising attempts at strap-on sex can quickly become a deeply unsexy emotional minefield.
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