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What s so great about sex

The authors of a groundbreaking study explain what really makes it great. F ar from what films and TV shows might tell us, truly magnificent sex has very little to do with daring feats of seduction or screaming orgasms. In fact, according to the latest research, erotic intimacy is more a state of mind than a physical act. In a recent study, Magnificent Sex , psychologist and sex therapist Dr Peggy J Kleinplatz and her colleagues at Ottawa University in Canada realised that, while whole library sections were dedicated to bad sex and how to make it better , there was almost no literature dedicated to great sex. What did it feel like?
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For plenty of people, climaxing is anything but easy. And while these issue face people of all genders, according to the Cleveland Clinic only 10 percent of women can easily achieve orgasm. The other 90 percent have to deal with a lot of outside factors that can impede their ability to climax, including what sex position they're in to what they face when they're at work. If you're struggling to climax, there are some surprising reasons why you're not reaching orgasm , and addressing these issues may just help you achieve and enjoy! Like Area 51 and the Bermuda Triangle, the female orgasm is considered to be something of a mystery. This isn't a coincidence, of course, but the result of scientific researchers systematically ignoring women and their ailments.
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In a culture so obsessed with sex, hookups and Tinder, it can be easy to question your own libido. Is it too low? Too high?
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Many people talk about having a true, deep and meaningful connection with a person before wanting to get physically intimate. After all, for some, sex is as much about trust and emotion as it is about the physicality. However, there's a select few members of society who don't just strive to attach feelings to sexual attraction, but view it as a necessity, which means casual sex, a one-night stand or - in some cases - a kiss with a stranger is pretty much a no-go. If this sexual orientated lifestyle sums up your feelings towards sex, emotion and relationships, you might be what is known as a demisexual.
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