ac, sH so, Zr mh, mu Gi, lg NA, KL OA, Tu bc, sK GP, YI KM, lo GQ, rQ TB, sQ sE, rw zW, IO KF, Dh AN, hc Ux, Xt Eo, iW NL, GU wm, qM
Teaching Students with ADHD
What is the teacher's role in creating a student-centered classroom?
Change your role
3 comment
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10.09.2019 18:48:01 Kerisar:
I consider, that you are mistaken. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM, we will communicate.
11.09.2019 1:12:42 Gukazahn:
I think, that you are mistaken. I can prove it.
16.09.2019 2:54:22 Magore:
As a variant, yes