About to penetrate the woman

An unbridgeable gap in understanding. But we asked a bunch of straight men to be as descriptive as possible when telling us what it actually feels like to put their penis in a vagina, so we can all get a little closer to understanding. All names have been changed, because few men want to publicly declare what sex feels like on the internet. Everything spent, but too weak to just roll over. Especially when the vagina is really tight and wet. Men tend to focus on the tip when they masturbate, but during sex there is a lot more going on with the base of the shaft, and it contributes greatly to sexual pleasure.
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Men are Penetrators. Women are Receivers | Girls Chase

By Lauren Steussy. July 25, pm Updated July 25, pm. The survey asked male rape victims about the circumstances behind their abuse, and what happened afterward. Examples of forced-to-penetrate cases included situations like when a man wakes up to find a woman having sex with him without his consent, or being forced to have non-consensual sex with a woman as a result of her blackmailing him. It could also happen as a result of being physically, emotionally or financially threatened by a woman.
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Sexual penetration

By Tansey Tang. Has sex been painful during penetration? The condition, known as vaginismus, is not as uncommon as you might think.
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More or less every woman experiences, at some point, the desire to be the penetrator herself. To know what it feels like to thrust the reproductive part of her body into the body of another. Even women, who cannot penetrate, recognize the power of the role. Men who struggle with masculinity invariably are men who have lost sight of this uniquely masculine role — the role of the penetrator. Unlocking masculinity in yourself, and unlocking femininity in the women around you, comes down, to large extent, to this question: can you penetrate, and will she receive?
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