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Award-winning dancer and model Jax Steele will instruct you on the art of pole dancing. You can use your new moves on the dance floor or in the bedroom to please your partner. Watch an exclusive interview with Jax and become inspired to learn pole dancing! Contains sexual scenes. Striptease for real women will open your eyes to the world of striptease. You will feel sexy no matter what you are wearing, and you will learn 25 hints on how to become a dancer of this art form.
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OK, you've watched Instragram and Youtube dance videos, you've dusted off your highest heels, and now you're ready to be the confident sexy mama you know you can be. You're finally ready to take a class! In group classes, you can meet other students, learn from them and develop a sense of community. You'll be shakin' your bootie and rubbing your boobs with a bunch of strangers. But hey, you're a risk taker, and you've been dying to make new bootie-shakin' boob-rubbin' friends anyhow! You go girl.
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10 Unexpected Perks of Being an Exotic Dancer

This discussion came up recently in a pole group that I am a member of Stripper Style! It is a good idea therefore to start thinking about what our perceptions are of specific words, and what they mean to people within the pole community. Some people felt that the words all meant exactly the same thing, and indeed we may use these names almost as synonyms. So, maybe the words do refer to different sub-styles?
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