Signs a date went well

Sometimes, you just know when a first date went well. The conversation flowed, you had a few things in common, perhaps you even kissed at the end of the night. But other times, it isn't so clear. Maybe you stumbled on a few of your words.
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5 Signs Your First Date Went So Well, It Could Be True Love

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5 Signs Your First Date Went So Well, It Could Be True Love

Meeting someone new can provide a wave of excitement. From setting up the first date to anticipating a second date and wanting to know more about them, first dates can make or break your relationship with that person. Even if you feel like the date went well, it's hard to know if they feel it too. We asked dating experts for their best advice on knowing if someone is just not feeling a second date, besides you know, them saying it. If you're on a first date, having someone constantly check their phone is not a good sign that this is going to last.
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How to Know if a First Date Went Well

You are excited at the prospect of meeting him or her again, but you're still nervous as you're not sure whether your crush enjoyed the date. You were probably trying your best not to make a fool of yourself and had put your best foot forward. Will you get a second date? How do you tell if he or she was interested? Is there a possibility that you might have a future together?
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One of the most nerve-racking parts of a first date is how hard it is to tell if the other person is actually into you and might like to see you again. You immediately felt comfortable with him. When you think about it, you can usually tell how a date will go in the first five minutes.
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