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But now the spinoff Teen Titans Go! First, here's a bit of background. Running from to , Teen Titans followed the adventures of the titular superhero team made up of Batman's sidekick Robin, the alien princess Starfire, the shapeshifting Beast Boy, the half-demon sorceress Raven, and the cyborg, uh, Cyborg. The design of the show was lean and sharp, the tone stern with occasional spikes of comedy, much like that of the wildly popular Batman: The Animated Series. But after five seasons, fans were stunned to hear that Teen Titans would be canceled. Its cliffhanger finale was left to dangle and infuriate us endlessly.
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List of Teen Titans Go! episodes - Wikipedia

Sign in. Get a look at the action from the star-studded panels and check out the incredible cosplay from this year's fest. For more, check out our coverage of New York Comic Con. Browse our NYCC guide. Title: Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Video
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Newsarama Comics. Titans Together! With season 2 of DC Universe's Titans premiering this Friday , we figured it was time to rank the top ten Teen Titans comic book stories of all time.
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