Home Sexual Health. The number-one mistake women make in the ob-gyn office: They call everything the vagina. Make sure you know the 15 everyday habits that can mess with your vaginal health. Seems excessive? Mid-cycle, secretion increases and is generally clear and stretchy think egg whites. Other times of the month, discharge may be thicker and whiter.
13 Things Your Vagina Wants to Tell You | The Healthy
Fibroids are not a disease. Much like the genetic blueprint that determines the color of your eyes and hair, if fibroids are common in your family, you are more likely to develop them. Fibroids often do not cause symptoms. Most women are unaware that they have them until a doctor mentions it during a routine pelvic exam. Composed of smooth muscle cells and connective tissue, fibroids grow slowly until you reach menopause. They have two, predictable, rapid growth spurts that are natural and not a cause for concern. After menopause, fibroids shrink and become small and calcified.
The external female genital area is called the vulva. The outer folds of skin are called the labia majora, and the inner folds are called the labia minora. Within the labia minora is the vestibule. The vagina and urethra open into the vestibule.
This section reviews some of the more common types of surgery used to treat certain cancers and the ways they can impact your sex life. Radical hysterectomy is an operation done to treat some cancers of the cervix. The surgeon takes out the uterus and the ligaments tissue fibers that hold it in place. The cervix and an inch or 2 of the vagina around the cervix are also removed.