There are significant gaps in the scientific literature concerning female sexual behavior and attitudes surrounding sexuality, which have definitive implications on public health and clinical work. The study group comprised consecutive women attending the Department of Pediatrics for the care of noncritical children in a multispecialty, tertiary care teaching hospital setting in North India. Peno-vaginal sex continues to be considered the most desired and actually performed sexual activity for arousal and orgasm, followed by kissing and foreplay. The present study is a preliminary effort to understand the contemporary female sexual behavior, knowledge and attitude by employing standard instruments.
Women’s Sexuality: Behaviors, Responses, and Individual Differences
Sexual Behavior of Married Young Women: A Preliminary Study from North India
Editor's Note: Every Monday, Lori Gottlieb answers questions from readers about their problems, big and small. Have a question? Email her at dear. My husband and I have been married for three years. We moved in together after just six months and were engaged after one year of being together. We got married two years later and I got pregnant soon after. Our sex was always good before I got pregnant.
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes conflicting schedules, changing priorities and a laundry list of other reasons including actual laundry that just seem to get in the way of having sex. What really happens between the sheets for couples who are 5, 10, 15, 20 or more years past the initial hot-and-heavy phase of a relationship? And it turns out, even though kids and life can get in the way, in many cases there is plenty to look forward to when it comes to sex in the long term. We chatted with 11 couples about how often they get down, how sex has changed and how to keep the romance alive.
While it's not usually a good idea to compare your sex life to what sex statistics say about others, it can be interesting to see how often other couples have sex. Many people believe they're having less sex than their peers according to a goop. Other stats can offer insight on married couples' sexual satisfaction and even relationship satisfaction and how it's related to sex. Americans in their 20s whether partnered or not have sex about 80 times a year, or more than once per week, says a study.